Thursday, January 26, 2023

Site Plans in Bergen County NJ

Are you looking for site plans in Bergen County, NJ? Omland & Osterkorn are proven experts at creating site plans in Bergen County, NJ for residential, commercial and municipal developments.

Site Plans in Bergen County NJ

Do you plan on erecting a structure on your Bergen property? Congrats, that’s a great move! Still, there's a catch. Make sure you know what the land can support before designing the building’s structure. Why. Let’s find out.

What is a Site Plan?

A site plan is a document that shows a graphic representation of all existing and proposed improvements property owners wish to conduct on their property. Simply put, it functions as a map for a development project.

The beauty of a site plan is that it makes the design stage of the building process easy. The site plan incorporates every aspect of paving, gardening, landscaping, construction, and utilities that will exist on the property when completed. This way, architects, developers, and engineers won't face difficulties constructing the structures.

Why Are Site Plans Important?

As mentioned earlier, the site plan will serve as a graphic guide or roadmap for the development team so that they know how to capture every detail you want on your project. Besides this, it ensures that every team involved in the construction project, from the general contractors to the developer's architects and engineers, works together while sticking to the same plan.

However, the most crucial reason anyone should carry out site planning for their Bergen County, New Jersey home is that it helps them plan their budget. Once every improvement is laid out graphically, developers can conveniently determine or predict the cost of the project ahead of time.

Another reason why site plans are essential is that it ensures the project meets development standards. This way, you and others around you are not at risk of costly damages or safety risks.

What Does a Site Plan in Bergen County Include?

For site plans to adhere to local building and zoning codes in Bergen County, it will also involve a boundary survey, topographic survey, and utility or location survey.

Boundary surveys will ensure that improvements drawn within the site plan stay within the property boundary lines. On the other hand, a topographic survey will ensure that every feature on the land is suitable for its intended use. It also helps you compare the land's previous and current state to enable you to better plan improvements. Locating utilities also helps map out features underground. It ensures architects, contractors, developers, and engineers know what they are dealing with so that they don't discover an issue after commencing the project.

Get Site Plans for Your Property from Professional Engineers in Bergen County NJ

Building an efficient and sustainable structure that meets building standards isn’t an easy job anyone can do without carrying out a site plan. So, if you’re looking for reliable professionals to help you with this job, contact Omland and Osterkorn, a professional engineering firm in Bergen County, New Jersey, to help you plan and finalize all the details about a given site. 

For more information about our site plans in Bergen County, NJ, speak to one of our engineers at 973-647-7820.

Omland & Osterkorn – Your Trusted Source For Site Plans in Bergen County, NJ.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Land Surveys in Bergen County NJ

Are you looking for land surveys in Bergen County NJ? Omland & Osterkorn provides our clients with a large variety of land surveys in Bergen County NJ.

Land Surveys in Bergen County NJ

If you are considering adding some features to your Bergen County, New Jersey home or commercial property, a land survey is a necessary tool that helps you determine property lines. Without this, the chances of falling into property disputes are high.

Before erecting any external feature on your property or buying a new property, here's all you need to know about land Surveys in Bergen County, New Jersey.

When do you need a land survey?

A land survey will help you meet the required criteria needed to buy or improve your commercial or residential property. Besides this, some other reasons to do a land survey include:

·         Knowing what you are buying

·         Erecting a structure

·         To meet mortgage requirements

·         When you plan to get title insurance

·         To prevent or settle boundary line disputes

·         Locating easements

·         Updating an outdated property survey

·         Locating utilities

Types of land surveys

While land survey helps determine boundary lines, there are different types of land survey. Some property survey helps property owners split a parcel of land, so they don't encroach on neighbors' portion, while another will help you plan your real estate needs. Regardless, the most common types of land Surveys include:

·         ALTA survey: It is also called the American Land Title Association survey. This survey is done when you want to purchase a property or building.

·         Boundary survey: it helps you determine the exact location of property boundaries.

·         Location survey: this survey is often conducted when requesting a zoning permit. It shows the location of the property, size of improvements, and the distance between them and the property lines.

·         Subdivision survey: it helps to create subdivision plats. A survey like this comes handy when you want to divide a parcel of land into multiple lots.

·         Site-planning survey: site planning surveys are useful when you want building permits. It helps with developing site improvements, from showcasing the location of a proposed building to other improvements.

·         Construction survey: this survey helps surveys stake the location of planned structures and improvements. Staking the survey site will show construction workers where to build and the distances they should keep between each improvement.

·         Topographic survey: this survey shows the location of natural and man-made features, from fences to pools, elevations, rivers, trees, and buildings.

How much does a land survey cost?

The cost of a land survey is determined by three factors; the type of survey, the property size, the location, and the shape of the property. Research shows that a land survey will cost between $200 to $800 in Bergen County, New Jersey. However, ALTA surveys will typically range between $2000 to $3000. Then again, the cost of the survey may be higher depending on the complexity of the survey.

Are you looking for land surveyors in Bergen Count,y New Jersey? Omland & Osterkorn are professional engineering surveyors in Bergen County, New Jersey. They will carefully conduct a land survey on your property to help with your architectural or landscaping decisions on your property. 

For more information about land surveys in Bergen County NJ, speak to one of our surveyors at 973-647-7820.

Omland & Osterkorn – Your Trusted Source for Land Surveys in Bergen County NJ. 

Consulting Engineers in New Jersey

Omland & Osterkorn are certified engineers in Bergen County NJ with more than two decades of combined experience. Our engineers are exp...