Monday, June 12, 2017

Elevation Certificate in Bergen County, NJ

Many property owners find themselves in need of an Elevation Certificate in Bergen County, NJ after receiving notification from their lenders that their property is in a potential flood hazard area. Without an Elevation Certificate, flood insurance companies rate your premiums in the highest, most expensive tier, because they assume the highest risk in the absence of better, more accurate information.

An Elevation Certificate is an important tool that documents your building’s elevation. This fact sheet provides valuable information for homeowners about their level of flood risk. These certificates can only be completed by a licensed surveyor.

Elevation Certificates require several elevation or vertical measurements of the affected structures. The process that calculates flood insurance premium amounts takes all of the differences in elevation into account and determines a premium that is based on a weighted likelihood of damage in the event of a flood.  An inventory and certification of flood openings (or "flood vents") in crawl spaces or basements is also a necessary part of the process. Flood vents are used to allow passage of flood waters in and out of these areas of structures to avoid wall failure from hydro-static pressure. Such hydro-static pressure can be caused from flood waters trying to get into a structure during the event, or trapped flood waters trying to get out of a structure after the water has receded.

This can seem like a complicated process, but a skilled and knowledgeable land surveyor will be able to complete a flood elevation survey efficiently and provide you with an accurate elevation certificate efficiently at a fair price. The expense of a proper elevation certificate can seem like a rounding error compared to the amount of money it could save you in insurance premiums down the road. 

Omland & Osterkorn is an engineering and surveying with a proven track record of completing elevation certificates in Bergen County, NJ.

To learn more about getting an elevation certificate in Bergen County, NJ, call Omland & Osterkorn at (201)899-3413. 

Omland & Osterkorn - Your trusted surveyors for an elevation certificated in Bergen County, NJ.

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