Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Property Surveyors in Bergen County NJ

If you’ve seen a person in an orange vest carrying around a brightly colored tripod with a metal device on top, you’ve likely come across a property surveyor. Property surveyors in Bergen County NJ can prove to be useful when you’re buying a house, selling a house or even when you have a property dispute with a neighbor.

Omland and Osterkorn's property surveyors in Bergen County NJ can assist you with getting calculated measurements for boundary lines or deal with easements and infringements on your property. Our property surveyors take the exact measurements to identify the boundaries of a parcel land and prepares reports, maps and plots that are used for construction, deeds or other legal records. They also decide the precise location of roads, buildings and the different components utilized to determine any changes to the property line, restrictions on what may be built on a property or where new structures must be located, how expansive structures might be and the appropriate building depths for foundations.

What are Easements?

Easements are common land or utilities owned publicly and utilized by the local community. Easements are documented on a title report and may influence what a buyer can build or plant on a property. Basic examples of easements include the placement of utility poles, water lines, and sewer lines.

A property survey identifies these issues, enabling you to modify your plans by moving the location of your planned structure so that it meets requirements and doesn’t encroach on any rights of other property owners or local ordinances.

When Do You Need A Property Surveyor?

Property Surveyors in Bergen County NJ
You may require a property survey if you are having a dispute with a neighbor as regards boundary lines or fence locations. It’s quite uncommon to discover that a neighbor’s fence is situated on your property or that a corner of a shed or garage is on the property adjoining your own.

Regardless, you should always have your property professionally surveyed before making any significant changes or additions such as installing a swimming pool, building a fence, constructing a garage or a home expansion. If you don’t have your property surveyed and it’s later discovered that you’ve built a structure on a property that is owned by a neighbor or is restricted, you could find yourself in for a prolonged and unnecessary legal battle. 

Omland & Osterkorn property surveyors in Bergen County NJ, work hard to give you efficient and precise property surveys.  If you plan on installing a swimming pool, building a fence, constructing a garage or extending the expansion of your home, get help from our reliable property surveyors at Omland and Osterkorn.

To request the service of our property surveyors in Bergen County NJ or inquire about our other services at Omland & Osterkorn, contact us at (201) 899-3413.

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Consulting Engineers in New Jersey

Omland & Osterkorn are certified engineers in Bergen County NJ with more than two decades of combined experience. Our engineers are exp...