Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Flood Elevation Certificate in NJ

Are you looking for an Elevation Certificate in Bergen County NJ? Omland & Osterkorn is an experienced and accomplished engineering firm that can provide you with an Elevation Certificate in Bergen County NJ.

When you are building your dream house, you do not wish to take any risks that would mean something ill for your dream project. You hope for your house to stand there for the decades to come which is exactly why you spend so much of your time, energy and money into constructing it. But no matter what you wish there is always a chance of a natural calamity like flood hitting your locality and damaging your property. That is why it is a safe measure to take all the precautions like getting a flood elevation certificate when you are investing in a building.

What is a flood elevation certificate and why do you need one?

The flood elevation certificate calculates the risk of your house being damaged in a flood. For this, it uses the base flood elevation level and compares it to your lower story elevation. And on this basis, your risk is calculated.

Getting a flood elevation certificate is a wise idea because you will need it for purchasing insurance. Also, on the basis of your flood elevation certificate, your premium amount is determined. The lower your risk, the less will be your premium amount.

What if my property is not at flood risk?

If that is the case then you are still going to need the flood elevation certificate to prove that.

Should I get one?

It is always a good idea to get an elevation certificate even in cases when you don’t require one. This is because the flood elevation certificate usually contains important information about your property and hence can lower your premium. Studies have found that over a span of 10 years this saved premium amount can add up to $90,000!

How can I get one?

Now if you are located in NJ, then in order to get a flood elevation certificate all you need to do is to contact us. After that, we will work out a schedule when you are free and we will send you a skilled land surveyor to carry out the important steps that need to be completed in order to get the certificate in a quick and affordable manner!

For more information about elevation certificates in Bergen County NJ, speak to one of our engineers at 973-647-7820.
Omland & Osterkorn – Your Trusted Elevation Certificate Surveyors in Bergen County NJ.

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Consulting Engineers in New Jersey

Omland & Osterkorn are certified engineers in Bergen County NJ with more than two decades of combined experience. Our engineers are exp...